Prof. Dr. Berenika Szymanski-Düll
Principal Investigator
Berenika Szymanski-Düll is Professor in Theatre Studies with focus on transnational theatre history at LMU Munich and leads the ERC project and team of T-MIGRANTS. She is also the executive editor of the peer-reviewed journal Forum Modernes Theater. Her research is characterized by a strong interdisciplinary approach and situated at the crossroads of theatre, history and society. Berenika has received numerous awards, grants and fellowships, e.g. from the European Research Council, the German Research Foundation, the BMBF, the Heinrich Böll Foundation as well as LMUexcellent. Recent publications include Theatre, Globalization and the Cold War, co-edited with Christopher Balme (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2017); Leave left left. Migrationsphänomene in den Künsten in aktueller und historischer Perspektive, co-edited with Burcu Dogramaci and Wolfgang Rathert (Neofelis: Berlin 2020); and Methoden der Theaterwissenschaft, co-edited with Christopher Balme (Narr: Tübingen 2020). For more information, visit the webpage of The Institute of Theatre Studies at the LMU.

Vanesa Cotroneo
PhD Candidate
Vanesa Cotroneo is a PhD Candidate in the ERC-Project T-MIGRANTS. She studied English & Comparative Literature, Theatre and Media at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), and at the National University of La Plata (UNLP), Argentina; later, she made the Master of Arts The Americas/ Las Américas at the Friedrich Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAU). During the last years, she worked in several projects about theatre, literature, culture and digitization, and received Erasmus and DAAD Scholarships. In her scientific research, she focuses on theatre and migration between Europe and Argentina, the role of cultural policies, and the digitalization of the archive.

Christina Lagao
ERC Administrator
(former member)
Christina Lagao supports the ERC project T-MIGRANTS as ERC Administrator of the Department der Kunstwissenschaften, LMU.

Nora Binder
Research Assistant
(former member)
Nora Binder is studying for a master's degree in Theater Studies at LMU Munich and supports T-MIGRANTS as a research assistant.
Dr. Lisa Skwirblies
Postdoctoral Researcher
Lisa Skwirblies (PhD) is a postdoc researcher in the ERC project T-MIGRANTS. She obtained her PhD in Theatre and Performance Studies from the University of Warwick (UK). Between 2018 and 2020, she held a Marie Curie International Research Fellowship (Horizon 2020) and an Early Career Fellowship at the Institute of Advanced Studies, Warwick. Her research interests include theatre historiography, postcolonial and intersectional theories, decolonial methodologies, migration studies, and critical race studies. Her publications include Performing Empire. Theatre, Race, and Colonial Culture in the German Empire, 1884-1914 (forthcoming, Palgrave 2022); “Colonial Theatricality”, chapter in Oxford Handbook of Politics and Performance, ed. by Milija Gluhovic, Silvija Jestrovic (OUP 2021); Theaterwissenschaft postkolonial/dekolonial, co-editor with Azadeh Sharifi (Transcript 2021).

Patrick Aprent
Research Fellow and PhD Candidate
Patrick Aprent is a Research Fellow in the ERC project T-MIGRANTS at the LMU Munich and a PhD candidate at the University of Vienna with his PhD project focussing on theatre mobilities in 19th century German-speaking theatre. He studied Theatre Studies and Architecture and was involved in a number of research projects at the Austrian Academy of Sciences (OeAW), the University of Vienna, the Theatermuseum Wien and the Don Juan Archiv Wien. Patrick Aprent's research interests and areas of work include theatre mobility and migration, female theatre managers, theatre topography of the long 19th century and social history of theatre people, which he investigates with an interdisciplinary approach combining methods from theatre historiography, digital humanities and geography.

Annette Ohlenhard
Annette Ohlenhard is coordinator of the ERC projects at the Department Kunstwissenschaften (School of Arts), LMU. She supports T-MIGRANTS in coordinating the financial and administrative part of the project.

Isabella Lorenz
Research Assistant
(former member)
Isabella Lorenz is studying for a master's degree in Theater Studies at LMU Munich and supports T-MIGRANTS as a research assistant.

Jorit Jens Hopp
Doctoral Researcher
Jorit Jens Hopp is a Research Fellow and PhD candidate in the ERC project T-MIGRANTS. He studied Theatre Studies and Economics in his Bachelor's degree and did his Master's in Theatre Studies with a scholarship from the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes at LMU Munich. Meanwhile, he worked as a student assistant for faculty members, as well as in the ERC projects Developing Theatre and T-MIGRANTS and as an editorial assistant for the peer-reviewed Journal of Global Theatre History. His research interests lie primarily in the field of theatre as a (global) institution, in the connection between theatre (studies) and the digital world, and in theatre as game.

Hanieh Arjomand-Fard
Hanieh Arjomand-Fard studied Informatics Games Engineering at the Technical University of Munich. Within the T-MIGRANTS project she is responsible for the database and supervises the website of the project.

Yan Lin
Research Assistant
Yan LIN studied Dramaturgy and Theater Studies at the National Academy of Chinese Theatre Arts in Beijing and at the Taipei National University of the Arts. After completing her master's degree at LMU Munich, she is working on her PhD on contemporary German theater with a scholarship from the China Scholarship Council.

Beatriz Magno Alves de Oliveira
Research Assistant
Beatriz Magno Alves de Oliveira has a Bachelor's degree in Scenography and Costume Design and a Master's degree in Performing Arts both from the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO). She is a doctoral candidate with a double degree in Performing Arts at UNIRIO and in Theater Studies at LMU Munich with a DAAD doctoral scholarship. Her topics of interest are theater architecture, scenography, and theater history with an emphasis on 19th and early 20th-century German theater.

Ursula Maier
Research Assistant
(former member)
Ursula Maier studied forestry, law and theatre studies at the LMU and TU in Munich. She has always been interested in spaces, surfaces and the interaction with people there. Because of her interest in sustainability, she tries to implement the SDGS in culture and art, both in her voluntary work and in her university teaching. Within theatre studies, her focus is on music theatre, especially opera.

Prof. Dr. Berenika Szymanski-Düll
Principal Investigator
Berenika Szymanski-Düll is Professor in Theatre Studies with focus on transnational theatre history at LMU Munich and leads the ERC project and team of T-MIGRANTS. She is also the executive editor of the peer-reviewed journal Forum Modernes Theater. Her research is characterized by a strong interdisciplinary approach and situated at the crossroads of theatre, history and society. Berenika has received numerous awards, grants and fellowships, e.g. from the European Research Council, the German Research Foundation, the BMBF, the Heinrich Böll Foundation as well as LMUexcellent. Recent publications include Theatre, Globalization and the Cold War, co-edited with Christopher Balme (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2017); Leave left left. Migrationsphänomene in den Künsten in aktueller und historischer Perspektive, co-edited with Burcu Dogramaci and Wolfgang Rathert (Neofelis: Berlin 2020); and Methoden der Theaterwissenschaft, co-edited with Christopher Balme (Narr: Tübingen 2020). For more information, visit the webpage of The Institute of Theatre Studies at the LMU.


Dr. Lisa Skwirblies
Postdoctoral Researcher
Lisa Skwirblies (PhD) is a postdoc researcher in the ERC project T-MIGRANTS. She obtained her PhD in Theatre and Performance Studies from the University of Warwick (UK). Between 2018 and 2020, she held a Marie Curie International Research Fellowship (Horizon 2020) and an Early Career Fellowship at the Institute of Advanced Studies, Warwick. Her research interests include theatre historiography, postcolonial and intersectional theories, decolonial methodologies, migration studies, and critical race studies. Her publications include Performing Empire. Theatre, Race, and Colonial Culture in the German Empire, 1884-1914 (forthcoming, Palgrave 2022); “Colonial Theatricality”, chapter in Oxford Handbook of Politics and Performance, ed. by Milija Gluhovic, Silvija Jestrovic (OUP 2021); Theaterwissenschaft postkolonial/dekolonial, co-editor with Azadeh Sharifi (Transcript 2021).


Vanessa Controneo
PhD Candidate
Vanesa Cotroneo is a PhD Candidate in the ERC-Project T-MIGRANTS. She studied English & Comparative Literature, Theatre and Media at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), and at the National University of La Plata (UNLP), Argentina; later, she made the Master of Arts The Americas/ Las Américas at the Friedrich Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAU). During the last years, she worked in several projects about theatre, literature, culture and digitization, and received Erasmus and DAAD Scholarships. In her scientific research, she focuses on theatre and migration between Europe and Argentina, the role of cultural policies, and the digitalization of the archive.


Jorit Jens Hopp
Doctoral Researcher
Jorit Jens Hopp is a Research Fellow and PhD candidate in the ERC project T-MIGRANTS. He studied Theatre Studies and Economics in his Bachelor's degree and did his Master's in Theatre Studies with a scholarship from the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes at LMU Munich. Meanwhile, he worked as a student assistant for faculty members, as well as in the ERC projects Developing Theatre and T-MIGRANTS and as an editorial assistant for the peer-reviewed Journal of Global Theatre History. His research interests lie primarily in the field of theatre as a (global) institution, in the connection between theatre (studies) and the digital world, and in theatre as game.


Hanieh Arjomand-Fard
Hanieh Arjomand-Fard studied Informatics Games Engineering at the Technical University of Munich. Within the T-MIGRANTS project she is responsible for the database and supervises the website of the project.


Patrick Aprent
Research Fellow and PhD Candidate
Patrick Aprent is a Research Fellow in the ERC project T-MIGRANTS at the LMU Munich and a PhD candidate at the University of Vienna with his PhD project focussing on theatre mobilities in 19th century German-speaking theatre. He studied Theatre Studies and Architecture and was involved in a number of research projects at the Austrian Academy of Sciences (OeAW), the University of Vienna, the Theatermuseum Wien and the Don Juan Archiv Wien. Patrick Aprent's research interests and areas of work include theatre mobility and migration, female theatre managers, theatre topography of the long 19th century and social history of theatre people, which he investigates with an interdisciplinary approach combining methods from theatre historiography, digital humanities and geography.


Yan Lin
Research Assistant
Yan LIN studied Dramaturgy and Theater Studies at the National Academy of Chinese Theatre Arts in Beijing and at the Taipei National University of the Arts. After completing her master's degree at LMU Munich, she is working on her PhD on contemporary German theater with a scholarship from the China Scholarship Council.


Beatriz Magno Alves de Oliveira
Research Assistant
Beatriz Magno Alves de Oliveira has a Bachelor's degree in Scenography and Costume Design and a Master's degree in Performing Arts both from the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO). She is a doctoral candidate with a double degree in Performing Arts at UNIRIO and in Theater Studies at LMU Munich with a DAAD doctoral scholarship. Her topics of interest are theater architecture, scenography, and theater history with an emphasis on 19th and early 20th-century German theater.


Annette Ohlenhard
Annette Ohlenhard is coordinator of the ERC projects at the Department Kunstwissenschaften (School of Arts), LMU. She supports T-MIGRANTS in coordinating the financial and administrative part of the project.


Isabella Lorenz
Research Assistant
(former member)
Isabella Lorenz is studying for a master's degree in Theater Studies at LMU Munich and supports T-MIGRANTS as a research assistant.


Ursula Maier
Research Assistant
(former member)
Ursula Maier studied forestry, law and theatre studies at the LMU and TU in Munich. She has always been interested in spaces, surfaces and the interaction with people there. Because of her interest in sustainability, she tries to implement the SDGS in culture and art, both in her voluntary work and in her university teaching. Within theatre studies, her focus is on music theatre, especially opera.


Nora Binder
Research Assistant
(former member)
Nora Binder is studying for a master's degree in Theater Studies at LMU Munich and supports T-MIGRANTS as a research assistant.


Christina Lagao
ERC Administrator
(former member)
Christina Lagao supports the ERC project T MIGRANTS as ERC Administrator of the Department der Kunstwissenschaften, LMU.
